Saturday, August 13, 2011

quote life

Friday.... good day water ramping got some new tricks which are baller and i'm gonna keep a secret.  We as in Kirsten and I went down to Salt lake, honestly pretty uneventful night, although I have noticed my friends are legitimately borderline retarded with the stuff that comes out of their mouths.  So I decided to make this blog post all about the ridiculous things said.

I will continue adding to this quote blog, so make sure to check back for new ones.

"What's Charles Darwin Famous for? DOLLA BILLLS BITCHES"
"You can't just fu*k the whole team"
"This kid says he's sponsored by all this sh*t, but he's not even on a single website, what a fu*king fake."
" Dude right up there when you were trying to edit out Sh*t you wrote the entire word with the symbol you fu*king tard."
" I really wish I could just like everyone you became friends with WOAHHHH that's really fu*king crazy that you can take a picture of the screen like that.. It doesn't make sense because it's an ADD comment."
"seriously though, I only like him cause he likes Harry Potter."
"Yea he was roomates with this kid I accidentally fu*ked last winter"
"Fu*k Bros.....Get Bills"
"they're just all fu*king pro hoes."
"there is at least one swear in every post, except for this one."
"Stop Liking every fuc*king thing, YOU're on MY facebook you retard."
"Yo listening to Tay-Swift was NOT a good idea, it just makes you cry and desperately need a boy friend."
"Dude do you actually think you can get her? You seriously wanna compete with...... NO? Then GET THE FU*K OFF!" "BOOOOOOM"
"You can just fu*k him when you come visit as well."
" Did I just give you a new quote?"
"can we actually post this?"

OK postin IT!!!!
Good night everybody...or Good morning?

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